Friday, October 14, 2011

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Okay, so I am feeling MUCH better since yesterday's post. Yesterday, my mom and sisters came to rescue me. My mom cleaned my kitchen, made me food, and helped me sort and fold laundry. My sisters were adoring aunts so that I could rest for a while. It was amazing. And although I don't think I am quite caught up, (and I probably never will be), I feel so much better.

So in the spirit of feeling better, sunshine-y October days, and just getting out of the house, Eloise and I went to the park. She has been loving the swings recently, so we did that for a while. Then I just lay down on the shady grass while Eloise crawled around, and climbed all over me.

(Okay, get ready for quite a few pictures. I tried to edit. Really.)

Oh, and here is a video of her swinging, in case anyone cares to see her in action.


Thanks for reading. :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Mommy Going Crazy?

That is what Micah asked Eloise this morning, because I have officially lost my mind. I don't know if it's the sleep deprivation or what, but I have been so out of it. Yesterday Eloise had a major blow-out, and I had to clean all the sheets on our bed. I put them in the washer, and when it stopped I went in to put them in the dryer. Then I remembered that I had forgotten to even put in any... what is it called? Detergent? Soap? (See? Losing my mind. Micah confirms detergent though.) Anyway, so I had to re-wash. Then I put all of it in the dryer, but forgot a dryer sheet. Then when Micah got home, I was going to make rice, but was way too tired to clean the rice cooker (I think sleep deprivation is racking up the points as the root of the matter...) So I made pasta. I got out the pot, and then could not remember how to make pasta. How. To. Make. Pasta. And then this morning when I was taking my shower, I poured shampoo in my hand, but then rubbed it on my body instead. Oops. More shampoo, this time in the hair. Then when I poured conditioner in my hands, I started to rub it on my face, thinking it was face wash all of a sudden. That one I realized sooner, because it's such a crazy texture. Anyway, altogether I need to get some more sleep. I need energy back to fold laundry and do dishes. And I need my brain back.