Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Seven Peaks!

Well, today Eloise and I joined Jane and Elna at Seven Peaks Water Park. We all got season passes this year, because they were such a good deal. We actually went last Saturday, which is the day it opened for the season. It was so cold though. Today wasn't the warmest, and it was still mostly overcast while we were there, but it was so fun. We took Eloise into the little baby pool, and the Lazy River, and the shallower end of the Wave Pool. She actually didn't seem to mind it, which is fun. She only started crying when she needed a diaper change, and then we were all about ready to go. It was a great way to really kick off the summer though.

I love this picture of Jane and Eloise.

Here's Eloise in her itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot onepiece. (I kind of wish it were a tankini. Both for the sake of the song, and because it would make diaper changes easier.)
Here's a blurry one of Eloise getting sleepy after swimming.

The towels accidentally got dropped in the gutter on our way in. Oops! Dirty and wet before they were even used.
And here's Elna, being awesome.

Memorial Day

Yesterday was Memorial Day, and our family has a tradition of going up to Logan to visit our ancestors' graves. My dad's parents are buried there. My Grandma Pats died 5 years ago this June. I have only been able to visit her grave one time before yesterday because I have had to work on Memorial Day the past 3 years.

We weren't sure how well the whole thing would work out, since it was so cold and rainy yesterday, but we went up anyway. Instead of having lunch at the park like we usually do, we went to the Montrose's. My grandma's brother Paul and his son Rick live there. It was so nice to visit with them, since we so rarely get up there to see them. Uncle Paul told stories about being a pilot in World War II. It was incredible to hear about what he went through, and some of the things that he survived. It was an especially emotional day for him, because his wife of 67 years, Elaine Montrose, died just a couple months ago. We all shared in remembering loved ones.

We then went to the Logan Cemetery to visit the graves. I miss my grandma so much, and wish I could share with her all the things that are newly happening in my life. I want to tell her that I finally read Jane Eyre. I want her to meet my husband, and daughter. I wish I could sit down and watch Pride and Prejudice with her again. I am so grateful for what I believe. I believe in eternal family, and that I will be able to spend time with my grandma again. That her spirit still lives.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sailing Away

Well, yesterday was an adventure-filled day, with a side of emotion. And of course, I forgot to bring my camera. So, no pictures today. (Except these 2 of Eloise taken yesterday, before I forgot my camera.)

Holding hands with her piggy friend.

Smiling in her sleep. How cute is that?

Speaking of Eloise, she just spit up majorly again, requiring a change of outfit. She did this on Wednesday when I was out shopping with my mom, and of course I had forgotten a change of clothes. (I usually have one in my bag!) So we bought her a new outfit at Costco, and then she spit up all over that one. What are you gonna do?

Anyway, back to yesterday's activities. For my brother-in-law Gabe's birthday, we decided to take our recently purchased sailboat out on Utah Lake. We all chipped in and bought this boat for a really good deal from a guy who was pretty much just wanting to get rid of it, and we wanted to try it out. We got out to the lake, got the boat in, and started to row away from the docks. (Yes, rowing. This boat does not have a motor.) We headed for the middle of the lake where we could take the sail up.

Well, there were 3 mismatched oars. 2 of them seemed like they were child's oars, because they did absolutely nothing. We almost made it out, when the wind seriously picked up and started sending us way off course. The wind, far from letting up, got worse over the next half hour or so. We tried to fight it, but we were just forced farther backward. We didn't want to hit anything, and finally made it back to the private docks. We parked it there while we tried to figure out how best to do this. Then we noticed that the boat was pretty noticeably filling with water and starting to sink.

We went to go look for a bail, as well as someone to tow us out. The whole situation looked pretty grim. Micah brought a huge trash can to bail out some water. Then we caught a lucky break. Micah's cousin Tony happened to be there so go out on his own boat, and towed ours out. It was so sad drifting along, half of it almost under water. We put it back on the trailer, and then realized something--it wasn't a leak. Most recent boats have a one way valve to let water out, but not let it in. Ours had drainage holes that needed to be plugged up while in the water, and then they can be unplugged to let water out once ashore. We felt pretty silly at that point. I'm just glad we didn't make it out to middle of the lake, because sinking out there would have been more stressful.

Second event yesterday was my sister Elna's graduation. I still think of her like this:

Or like this...
 But now she is all grown up! Doing amazing in ballroom competitions all year...

...going on dates to fancy dances...

And now she is all graduated! She's ready to take on the world, and I could not be prouder of her.

Love you Elna!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Do--, a deer, Re--, a Refashion

For my birthday, Micah bought me a sewing machine. I haven't really sewn a whole lot since I took a basic sewing class back in middle school, and I really want to get good at it.

I was going through all of my fabric, to see what a good starter project would be, when I found our old curtains, which didn't fit any of our new windows. So, in Von Trapp family fashion, I made a dress out of curtains. (If you prefer to refer to Gone With the Wind, that works too.)

Here is they are before, in our old apartment.
And here it is after. It actually turned out pretty well, I think.
I'm going to add some straps at some point, but Eloise was just not having it today.

Also, sorry for the terrible photos. My camera is not uploading for some reason, so these were taken with my phone. Also, I am headless on purpose, since my head doesn't look very good today. "No time for make-up, doing hair, or sewing," says Eloise, "Only time to hold me and love me. But I suppose I will let you use the computer." Well then, I suppose I can accept those terms.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sojourn

Today our little family went down near Utah lake to sit by the Provo river. We watched ducks, and read poems, and soaked in the spirituality that fills the world around us.

Here are the ducks cleaning themselves

Here's one of the little baby ducks hiding from us. (They were so cute.)

The water was so still and reflective, it was so pretty.

Micah, reading poems.

The day started out so rainy, we thought it would be really gray and overcast, but it was beautiful and warm.

Here the ducks were getting ready to cross the trail to the other side where the river was. The dad duck went first to make sure it was safe...

Then the babies and the mom followed. (Reminds me of Make Way for Ducklings.)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

One more today...

Well, I have to write another post, because Eloise pushed herself up today! She was having a little bit of tummy time just in her crib after I changed her diaper, and she lifted herself up! I snapped a couple pictures once I realized, but she wasn't even doing it quite as high. She probably ran out of energy a little bit. Anyway, here it is.

Getting ready...

...and there she goes!

Saturday is a Special Day

Saturdays are the day where I can get the most done. Micah is home, so I have some extra hands, as well as a car. Today we did the dishes, folded laundry, cleaned the bathroom, ran a bunch of errands, and I got a haircut. It's so nice to have a clean home, and to feel stress lift as we check off our to-do list.

Also, here is an adorable picture of Eloise from today on her blanket from Great Aunt Elna.

Isn't she just the cutest? :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

So it begins...

I decided to start a blog. We'll see how faithfully I keep it, but I would like to blog often.

First things first, my daughter Eloise will be 7 weeks old tomorrow, so I want to document her life as it goes along.

Here she was on 4-2-11, the day she was born...
...and here she is now. (Well, as of a couple days ago.)

She is already so big, I can't believe it. Most of her 3 month clothes fit her exactly now, if they're not already too small, and she is wearing most of her 6 month clothes regularly. We knew she was going to be big, but I don't think I was prepared for how fast she would grow.

On another note, (less precious, but still fun), Micah has brought me into his gameland. There is a game called Dominion that he started playing with his friends. He begged me to play with him, and really wanted to buy it. It's pretty expensive, so I was going to get it for him for his birthday, which is in August. He kept asking about it though, so he just got his present a little early. I then played with him to make him happy, and it is so much fun! I normally don't like games that require so much strategy, but I am seriously hooked. You can also play online for free, which is a less expensive way to begin the obsession.

I suppose that's all for now, since Eloise woke up from her nap, and needs a mom now. Thanks for reading. :)