Monday, March 5, 2012

What a Way to Wake Up

This morning Eloise woke up, and Micah brought her into our room to eat. I snuggled her in and nursed her lying down so I could try and get some extra rest. She finished, crawled around for a little bit, and played with my water bottle for a little bit. Then she started asking to eat again, (making the sign for milk.) I started her on the other side, but she was still squirmy. She was kicking her legs and not really relaxing. Then she pulled away... and vomited. So much. Everywhere. And because I was still lying down, it was right into my face. And hair. Eloise immediately relaxed, and just lay down. I grabbed her and we hopped into the shower. She just leaned into me for a few minutes. Then she went back to just playing, though, so it doesn't seem like she is really sick. Probably she just overate? I don't know, but it was very sad for everyone.