Monday, May 23, 2011

Do--, a deer, Re--, a Refashion

For my birthday, Micah bought me a sewing machine. I haven't really sewn a whole lot since I took a basic sewing class back in middle school, and I really want to get good at it.

I was going through all of my fabric, to see what a good starter project would be, when I found our old curtains, which didn't fit any of our new windows. So, in Von Trapp family fashion, I made a dress out of curtains. (If you prefer to refer to Gone With the Wind, that works too.)

Here is they are before, in our old apartment.
And here it is after. It actually turned out pretty well, I think.
I'm going to add some straps at some point, but Eloise was just not having it today.

Also, sorry for the terrible photos. My camera is not uploading for some reason, so these were taken with my phone. Also, I am headless on purpose, since my head doesn't look very good today. "No time for make-up, doing hair, or sewing," says Eloise, "Only time to hold me and love me. But I suppose I will let you use the computer." Well then, I suppose I can accept those terms.


  1. Like the girl, like the dress, like the blog :)

  2. Way cute! You've got talent, girl! I can't believe you made that out of curtains :)
