Monday, July 11, 2011


So, it's been a couple weeks since I last posted. Not a whole lot has been going on really. I've been going back to work for a few days to help out with the sale. Just 3 days last week, and I'll work 2 days this week. I love Nordstrom, and I loved working there the 3 years that I did. But working there now makes me so glad that I get to be a mother full-time. I'm glad that I have had the opportunity to go back and make a little extra money for a couple weeks, but it's nice to know that I'm really not missing it.

I've also been watching Scrubs on our Netflix during the day. It's such a silly show, but it's so funny. And it's in nice, manageable, 20 minute bites.

Also, Eloise has started laughing the last couple weeks. I can't believe how cute it is, every time. I just have to keep doing whatever it is that makes her laugh until she runs out of steam. Today it happened when she was on her changing table. I changed her diaper and was getting ready to change her clothes, and I blew a raspberry on her tummy. She went nuts! I do it all the time, but this time she just laughed and laughed. So... I got a video. Enjoy.


  1. oh my that is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I wish she would have laughed for me the other day!
