Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Catch Up

So, I definitely haven't been posting as much as I would like. Usually it's one of two things. It's either because we're not doing anything exciting and there is nothing to write about, or else there is a lot going on and no time to write. Quite the paradox... Except even when there is nothing exciting to write about, there is still no time to write. Eloise has two bottom teeth now, and is still teething, so she has been having a bit of a hard time sleeping. But she has been crawling everywhere. We have a headboard that has a cupboard built in, and so it has a shelf top. In the morning after Eloise eats, I will usually doze off for a little bit while she kind of plays by herself. Now she crawls right for the headboard, pulls herself up, and knocks over my water bottle, and whatever else I have up there at the time. She is smiling all the time, which is so cute. She makes a cute little cabbage patch face, and sticks her tongue out really far, and basically just spends her time learning how to be more adorable.

The thing is, I think back to when Eloise was first born, and she slept so much more. Even when she was sad, and not sleeping through the night as well, she napped so much. The thing is, I didn't feel like I had any time. Partly because I was so tired and recovering from the birth, and partly because it's hard to get used to managing time around a baby. It's not just the extra time it takes to get her ready, or even changing and feeding her. All my time gets away from me so fast just by her needing me to play with her. Which I love, don't get me wrong. It's just definitely hard to get used to the change in managing time. For instance, before I didn't just love cleaning. But I could wait for the urge to clean, and then I would. Now, it doesn't matter if I'm in the mood. It matters when I happen to have the time, and even then it is stop and go getting anything done. Okay, random ranting over. I love spending time with Eloise, obviously. And being a mother is all about time not being yours, and that is what I signed up for. I love being a mom. Even when I am exhausted and the house is a mess and we are having Easy Mac for dinner. I love it.

Oh, and Micah and I just had our first anniversary on Sunday. We went to dinner at La Jolla Groves on Saturday, and it was amazing. Especially the orange creme brulee we had for dessert. Heavenly. On Sunday we had dinner with my family around 4. Then we came home and took Eloise to the park and pushed her in the swing. When we got home from the park, Eloise had a nice nap. Yay! Then Micah and I ate strawberries and whipped cream, and Martinelli's Cranberry Apple juice. It was nice just to be able to spend some time together. :)

Okay, get ready for Eloise overload. Here are some pictures we took at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival at the beginning of the month.

Perfect, but blurry. :(

So we settle for toy in the mouth.

Okay, not a great post, but it will have to do. Thanks for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!

    I know what you mean about time not being your own with a baby. For a long time it's a scramble to get anything done.
