Thursday, June 2, 2011

I ♥ Hand-Me-Downs

Growing up, my older cousins would hand down their clothes to me and my sisters. I always loved getting hand-me-downs. It was so great to get a bag of clothes that someone else couldn't use or didn't need anymore. Because even though they had been used by someone else, they were brand new to us. It was even better than shopping, because you got so much more, and it was always a surprise.I have grown out of that age of getting hand-me-downs now. I have certain clothes that look good on me, I am a different size and shape than most people I know... It's easier just buy my own clothes.

But Eloise is a growing girl. And so what if she is 2 months old (today!) and wearing six month clothes? She can get hand-me-downs from a girl who is done wearing her six month clothes. I love it!

Anyway, this is all leading up to the fact that my cousin Jaynann has a little girl who is done with a lot of her clothes. She offered them to me a little while ago, and said I could pick them up whenever. I haven't really had the chance yet, but my mom and dad were on their way back from Salt Lake yesterday, and picked them up for me. They came by my apartment and my dad played with Eloise while my mom and I went through the clothes. There were so many of them! I felt like a kid again, getting all those new, cute clothes! There were lots of sizes too, so Eloise has tons to wear right now, but also up to 18-24 months, and some 2T and 3T.

(Sorry for the bad quality of pictures again. My camera battery died, and I can't find the charger!)

Here are two of the bags of clothes. And these are mostly  just the ones that are going to fit now and in the next 6 months or so.

Here Eloise is wearing one of the cute Gap dresses she got from Jaynann. (I know, it's hard to see because of the comforter she is lying on. But she was being happy for a minute, and I didn't want to move her.) She is also loving her pacifier. And she loves to grab onto her burp clothes and cuddling into them. (That's a clean one.)

I love the idea of passing things on, and try to do it myself as much as I can. We just feel so grateful and blessed for the kindness and charity of others.

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