Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Last Few Days

Okay, so I've taken a few pictures of our activities over the past few days, and here they are.

Micah and I went hiking up the Timp trail, just a little ways. We both want to spend more time outside, and also more time exercising. (We're pretty out of shape.) We brought Eloise in the pack.

(Eloise really likes to suck on the side of her pack)

I also made some little hair accessories for Eloise. They are just those fabric yoyos with buttons on them, but I think they are pretty darling.

She would not hold still for pictures, so they were all pretty blurry.

Here she is with her "stuff."

Today we walked with Amber and Lance to the temple, which is 3-ish miles from our apartments. (Again with the trying to get in shape.) It was a great walk, even though we didn't go super hard.

Eloise was SO excited, but every time I tried to get a picture she would stop smiling.

She kept kicking her legs and making excited sound and pulling on her blanket.

Blurry walking

We rested at the top by the temple before heading back

The sun was REALLY bright, and directly in our faces. We all closed our eyes until the last second, with mixed results.

Last thing, on Tuesday I ordered a little baby ring with a birthstone for a necklace. It's a kind of tradition in my mom's family, and I have been meaning to order mine for a couple months. It was supposed to take about a week, but it came in today, and so I went and picked it up. It will have a thicker chain (to reduce likelihood of being pulled off by baby fingers), but they had to shorten the chain there because they didn't have the length I needed. Here it is with the temporary chain.

Not the best lighting exactly, but I just took a quick picture. (You can also see the dried drool a little on my shirt in the upper right corner of the picture. Lovely.)           

All right, that's a little bit of catch up on recent goings on. Thanks for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Good for you for walking so much. I need to take your example and do it myself.

    I love the necklace.
